“Just because something doesn't do what you planned it to do, doesn't mean it's useless.”
- Thomas Edison -
An asterisk (*) denotes Honours, Directed Studies, or Graduate student.
Lam, M. Y. & Chambers, H.* (2024). Facial and bodily expressions of emotion shape our willingness to engage in an object handover task differently. Journal of Exercise, Movement, and Sport (SCAPPS refereed abstracts repository), 55, 1. Poster presented at SCAPPS conference: Winnipeg, MN.
Lam, M. Y., Kingstone, A., & Chua, R. (2023). Are you sensitive to your co-actor’s response predictability? Journal of Sport & Exercise Psychology. Poster presented at NASPSPA conference: Toronto, ON.
Lam, M. Y., Kingstone, A., & Chua, R. (2022). Response Predictability and Joint Action. Journal of Exercise, Movement, and Sport (SCAPPS refereed abstracts repository), 53, 1. Poster presented at SCAPPS conference: Montréal, QC.
Bubna, M.*, Lam, M. Y., & Cressman, E. K. (2021). Temporal recalibration occurs without awareness across motor and perceptual judgment tasks. Program No. 882.01. Neuroscience Meeting Planner. Society for Neuroscience. Online.
Bubna, M.*, Lam, M. Y., & Cressman, E. K. (2021). Awareness does not modulate temporal recalibration. Poster presented on October 21 at the virtual SCAPPS conference: Toronto, ON. Journal of Exercise, Movement, and Sport (SCAPPS refereed abstracts repository), 52, 1.
Evans, C.*, Prossegger, E.*, & Lam, M. Y. (2019). The influence of group cohesion on task co-representation. Poster presented on July 10 at the JAM conference: Genoa, Italy.
Lam, M. Y. & Evans, C.* (2018). The influence of group cohesion on task co-representation. Poster presented on October 22 at the SCAPPS conference: Toronto, ON. Poster presented on October 21 at the SCAPPS conference: Toronto, ON. Journal of Exercise, Movement, and Sport (SCAPPS refereed abstracts repository), 50, 1: 41.
Karlinsky, A., Lohse, K.R., & Lam, M. Y. (2017). A meta-analysis of the joint Simon effect. Poster presented on July 22 at the JAM conference: London, England.
Lam, M. Y., Blinch, J., Connors, E. M., Doan, J.B., & Gonzalez, C. L. R. (2017). Bimanual joint action: Correlated timing of “bimanual” movements accomplished by two people. Poster presented on July 23 at the JAM conference: London, England.
Connors, E. M., Lam, M. Y., Blinch J, Doan, J. B., Gonzalez, C. L. R. (2016). The coordination of bimanual reaching movements between people. Presented at the Prairie Perception Action and Cognition Team (P-PACT) conference: Canmore, AB.
Lam, M. Y., Blinch, J., Connors, E.M., Doan, J. B., & Gonzalez, C. L. R. (2016). Bimanual joint action: Correlated timing of “bimanual” movements accomplished by two people. Poster presented on October 21 at the SCAPPS conference: Waterloo, ON. Journal of Exercise, Movement, and Sport (SCAPPS refereed abstracts repository), 48, 1, 27.
Karlinsky, A., Lam, M. Y., Chua, R., Hodges, N. J. (2016). Whose turn is it anyway? The moderating role of response certainty on the joint Simon effect. Poster presented on October 21 at the SCAPPS conference: Waterloo, ON. Journal of Exercise, Movement, and Sport (SCAPPS refereed abstracts repository), 48(1), 24.
Lam, M.Y., Hodges, N.J., Franks, I.M., & Chua, R. (2015). Advance information suppresses co-representation in a joint response-cueing task. Poster presented at the SCAPPS conference: Edmonton, AB.
Lam, M.Y., Hodges, N. J., Franks, I.M., & Chua, R. (2015). Spatial-response discrimination can elicit a joint Simon effect in an independent task context: a behavioural and EEG study. Poster presented at the SCAPPS conference: Edmonton, AB.
Rubin, D. A., Rose, D.J., Lam, M. Y., Wilson, K. S., & Wiersma, L. D. (2014). Changes in motor proficiency after participation in home-based physical activity programs. Oral presentation at the North American Society for Pediatric Exercise Medicine: Minneapolis, MN.
Lam, M.Y., White, E., Duran, A., Chavoya, F.A., Rose, D.J., & Rubin, D.A. (2013). Lower levels of motor proficiency in children with Prader-Willi Syndrome compared to obese controls. Oral presentation at the 32nd PWSA (USA) National Conference: Orlando, FL.
Lam, M. Y. & Chua, R. (2012). The Joint Simon effect observed in a non-collaborative task: a response-discrimination account. Journal of Sport & Exercise Psychology (Supp.), 34, S99. Poster presented at the NASPSPA conference: Honolulu, HI.
Lam, M. Y. & Chua, R. (2010). Is the spatial position of a co-actor coded in shared representations? Poster presented at the SCAPPS conference: Ottawa, ON.
Lam, M. Y. & Chua, R. (2009). Influence of S-R assignment and response competition on the joint-action compatibility effect. Poster presented at the SCAPPS conference: Toronto, ON.
Blinch, J. P., Cameron, B.D., Lam, M. Y., Hua, S., Cory, M. E., & Chua, R. (2008). Bimanual interference during on-line control to symbolically- vs. directly-cued target locations. Poster presented at the SCAPPS conference: Canmore, AB.
Lam, M. Y., Carlsen, A.N., Maslovat, D., Franks, I. M., & Chua, R. (2008). Startle elicits prepared movements irrespective of imperative stimulus modality. Poster presented at the SCAPPS conference: Canmore, AB.
Cressman, E.K., Cameron, B.D., Lam, M.Y., Franks, I.M., & Chua, R. (2007). The ventral tortoise and the dorsal hare: Do they run alone or do they race? Poster presented at the SCAPPS conference: Windsor, ON.
Maslovat, D., Brunke, K., Lam, M. Y., Goodman, D., Chua, R., & Franks, I. M. (2007) Interlimb versus intralimb anchoring in a novel bimanual coordination pattern. Journal of Sport & Exercise Psychology (Supp.), 29, S100. Poster presented at the NASPSPA conference: San Diego, CA.
Lam, M. Y., Brunke, K., Weeks, D. J., & Chua, R. (2005). Getting a handle on object affordances. Poster presented at the SCAPPS conference: Canmore, AB.
Cressman, E. K., Lam, M. Y., Franks, I. M., Di Lollo, V., Weeks, D. J ., Elliott, D., Glazebrook, C. M., & Chua, R. (2005). The processing of visually masked stimuli is not constrained by action plans. Poster presented at the SCAPPS conference: Niagara Falls, ON.
Keetch, K., Glazebrook, C. M., Elliott, D., Lyons, J., Lam, M. Y., & Weeks, D. J. (2004). The effects of response uncertainty on perceived visual illusions. Journal of Sport & Exercise Psychology (Supp.), 26, S102. Poster presented at the NASPSPA conference: Vancouver, BC.
Lam, M. Y., McFee, K., DeTar, S., Weeks, D. J., & Chua, R. (2004). Attention and affordance in the facilitation of object identification. Journal of Sport & Exercise Psychology (Supp.), 26, S113. Poster presented at the NASPSPA conference: Vancouver, BC.